This presser foot is used for piecing together patchwork with a seam allowance of 1/4" (6.4 mm).
This presser foot is used for piecing together patchwork with a seam allowance of 1/4" (6.4 mm).
This presser foot is used for piecing together patchwork with a seam allowance of 1/4" (6.4 mm).
With this presser foot, you can enjoy sewing of 3-dimensionaldecorative stitches using thin cords or embroidery threads (up to seven cords / threads) together.
This presser foot is used for piecing together patchwork with a seam allowance of 7 mm.
This presser foot is used for piecing together patchwork with a seam allowance of 7 mm.
This presser foot is used for closely sewing along the edges of a zipper or piping cord.
For that extra touch, highlight any sewing project with strings of pearls or beads.
For that extra touch, highlight any sewing project with strings of pearls or beads.
For that extra touch, highlight any sewing project with strings of pearls or beads.